
Contact us today:  (480) 821-1330

Searching? We're here to help you find direction.

Welcome to our faith-based organization. Simply put, we are a collection of followers with resolute faith. We believe that if we love Jesus Christ and let Him show us how to love each other, the world will take notice and follow in kind!

  • We've known the Jesus Christ's plentiful grace.
  • We've experienced Jesus Christ's eternal mercy.
  • We've seen proof of the Christ's unfailing love.

Whether you're new to the area or have recently found yourself wandering in search of counseling support, we may be your answer. When you find a local center that meets your spiritual needs, you become a witness to a Christ's love. We seek to demonstrate and experience that love by bearing witness to hope.

Our doors are always open. Please join us for any counseling you may need


Goodworks Bible-Based Counseling is a non-profit 501C(3) Christian organization committed to helping people successfully work through issues by combining traditional, clinically-proven models of therapy with the wisdom found in the Bible.


No matter what else we're doing, we hold steadfast to four values that are supported by love and define who we are:

  • Transformational biblical teaching
  • Engaging Professional Counseling
  • Authentic Care
  • Service-based outreach


To create a community of believers in Jesus Christ. The Scripture that inspired the vision was “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it” (Phil 1:6) and now this vision has become a reality and continues to expand as word of Goodworks' professionalism and success spreads throughout the community

Contact us today:  (480) 821-1330